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Global Aviation Now Offers Introductory Adventure
Flight Packages
Previously only offered to our flying club members and now availble to groups of 2 or more are our Global Aviation Introductory Flight Adventures.
These aviation flight adventures are geared to anyone who wants to
try something a bit outside of the box. Perfect for corporate events, family outings or just pampering yourself with a day of aviation inspired fun.
Each adventure gives you and your group a day they won't soon forget. Once you meet here at our main office your group will be given some ground training to learn about the aircraft you're going to be flying. You'll then grab your headset and keys, head out and begin learning how to properly preflight the craft. You will be at the controls while our qualified flight instructor shows you the proper way to taxi, takeoff and fly the plane to your destination. Once you arrive phase two begins and depending on the adventure you choose the day has only begun.
Contact us now to learn about pricing and to inquire about booking
one of the many adventures we offer!