Part 61 & Part 141 Flight Training | Ground School | Professional Pilot Programs | CATS Testing Center | Fingerprinting

Operating Procedures
Surface Winds
Solo student pilot flights will not be approved when the wind/gusts are reported or forecast to be in excess of 15 knots or when a crosswind component greater than 10 knots exists, or is forecast to exist.
Dual flights are at the discretion of the instructor. However it's suggested no GAC airplane may begin a flight, dual or PIC, when the surface wind or gusts are reported or forecast to be greater than 25 knots. Additionally, no GAC airplane may begin a flight when surface winds (considering wind speed and direction) are reported or forecast to be in excess of the published crosswind component for that airplane and the ceiling must be at least 1600ft AGL with visibility of at least 5SM unless IFR certified.
No Global Aviation Center plane will be released to fly when temperatures are below 24° or above 100° as extreme temperatures may cause excessive engine wear.
Procedure for Start Up and Taxiing on the Ramp
A preflight inspection will be made as directed by the approved Pilots Operating Handbook (POH) prior to every flight.
In the event the airplane needs fuel, contact GAC. Oil should be also be requested by contacting GAC directly (631) 391-9110.
A voice call and visual inspection of the area should be made before the starter is engaged. The word “CLEAR” should be shouted so that persons within 25 ft. of the airplane will hear the call. Always allow 5 seconds after the call before engaging the starter. This will allow persons in the effected area to take proper action.
A fire extinguisher is available in a convenient location to be used in an emergency.
When an airplane engine is operating, no person may enter or exit that airplane except in an emergency.
After the engine is operating, the pilot will reduce the RPM to a minimum idle speed as recommended by the POH or at a minimum RPM that allows smooth engine operation (approximately 800RPM).
During taxiing, use a minimum engine RPM that will allow the desired taxi speed. Use of a power setting that requires the constant application of brakes to maintain the desired speed will be viewed as abuse of the equipment. Equipment abuse may result in the suspension of future equipment rental.
All taxi maneuvers will be along painted taxi stripes when available. The pilot will assure adequate space to clear all aircraft, buildings, obstructions, and vehicles. In congested areas, taxi speed will be at a walking pace. In open areas, taxi speeds may be at a joggers pace. Extreme caution will be exercised when taxiing or operating near other aircraft.
The airplane’s flight controls will be placed in the recommended position during taxi whenever any surface wind is present.
Fire Precautions and Procedures
No smoking in or within 50 ft. of any GAC airplane.
During preflight inspection, special emphasis will be placed on locating any fuel, oil or hydraulic leaks.
In the event of a fire during the engine start up, the PIC will follow the procedures published in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook for that airplane.
It is the responsibility of the PIC of any GAC airplane to be familiar with the fire prevention and control practices published in the POH for that airplane.
Airplane Discrepancies
Airplane mechanical or avionics discrepancies that are discovered before, during or after a flight will be reported to GAC management as soon as practical. The PIC is responsible for determining if a flight is safe and legal to depart with the noticed discrepancy, per FAR’s.
Each student, instructor, or renter pilot will record all discrepancies (even minor items) on the airplane “Squawk” sheet found on the clipboard for that plane.
In the event a discrepancy arises while the airplane is away from Republic Airport, the student or renter must call GAC at (631) 391-9110, to receive authorization to contract maintenance. Remember: The Pilot in Command has the final decision on the safety and continuation of the flight.
Should the recorded time on the hobbs meter or tachometer be different from the time recorded on the airplane clipboard, the student or renter must call this discrepancy to the attention of the management. Failure to do so will result in charges being computed by the numbers that are recorded on the clipboard.
Fuel Reserve Requirements
No GAC airplane may begin a flight (dual or PIC) with less than minimum required fuel on board.
Unless restricted by weight and balance requirements, each airplane that departs on a cross-country flight will have the maximum fuel load on board.
All training and rental flights will be planned so that a minimum of one hour of reserve fuel (computed at 75% cruising power) is onboard at all times. This requirement applies to all VFR and IFR flights.
The failure of any student or renter to abide by the company’s minimum fuel reserve requirement may result in suspension of future equipment rental.
Whenever fuel, oil, or other fluids are purchased away from Republic Airport, it is the responsibility of the student or renter to pay for those services. The student or renter should present a receipt showing the airplane number, the services provided, and the price upon return to GAC. The amount of acceptable purchases will be deducted from the rental bill. GAC will NOT pay for hangar, landing or parking fees, de-ice, preheat, or other such services. Also, GAC will NOT pay for fuel in excess of the current price per gallon at Republic Airport.
Collision Avoidance
When operating on the ground, the PIC will assure that the airplane maintains adequate clearance from all persons, aircraft, vehicles, or obstructions at all times.
No GAC. airplane will be operated within 1,000 ft. of another aircraft while in flight.
Whenever flight maneuvers, common to pilot training, are performed, a series of clearing turns will be made to locate and avoid other aircraft. Clearing turns will require at least 90 degrees of heading change in each direction. The bank angle will be steep enough to permit locating traffic that is directly above or under your airplane. Clearing turns will be made prior to the start of each maneuver.
During VFR cruising flight above 3,000 AGL, the hemispherical cruising altitudes will apply. During VFR climbs and descents while on an airway, the pilot will fly to the right side of the airway.
A standard left-hand traffic pattern will be used at all times when operating from a non-controlled airport unless another type of traffic pattern is published.
The aircraft right-of-way rules per FAR 91.113 apply at all times.
Cross Country Policy
While at another airport, the PIC is responsible for determining that the airplane is properly secured and serviced. This includes tie-down, wheel chocks, and control locks.
If unforeseen weather conditions prevent a return to Republic Airport at the scheduled arrival time, the PIC will contact GAC at (631) 391-9110 and advise. Delays for reasons other than maintenance and weather will result in an additional charge to the student or renter pilot. You are responsible for the timely return of the airplane to its home base at Republic Airport.
Most GAC airplanes have a three (3) hour per day rental minimum if the airplane is in your possession for more than eight (8) hours. On holidays and weekends, the minimum may be higher. Each case must be decided by management prior to the scheduling of the airplane.
It is strongly suggested that any PIC flight of more than 50 nautical miles, have a flight plan on file with an FAA Flight Service Station.
Additional Solo Cross Country Policy for Student Pilots
In addition to the above, the following policy applies to student pilots. A student pilot is the holder of a student pilot certificate and is conducting the flight as the sole occupant of the airplane.
No student pilot may depart on a cross-country flight unless:
a. The preflight planning and pilot qualifications have been reviewed by a GAC instructor and endorsements have been placed in that student’s logbook.
Required endorsements include a current 90 day endorsement and also sign-offs for each airport of landing
b. The weather minimums described on page one of this booklet are met and are forecast to remain at or above those described
c. Again, it is highly recommended that a flight plan is filed with Flight Service, and a copy of the flight plan be left at GAC.
d. The student must have a means of paying for services that might reasonably be expected. i.e. fuel, oil, telephone, lunch, et
e. The planned flight will return to Republic Airport at least one (1) hour before official sunset.
Any student who makes a landing at an airport other than the intended destination MUST call GLOBAL AVIATION CORP. at (631) 391-9110 to receive authorization to depart that airport. Failure to receive authorization prior to departure will result in a violation of Federal Aviation Regulations and will be grounds for suspension of future equipment rental.
Student pilots are not permitted to schedule an overnight flight.
Minimum Altitudes and Simulated Emergencies
Except for takeoff and landing at public airports, no GAC airplane may be operated below 500 ft. AGL.
Simulated emergency landings will be conducted only during dual flight instruction and may not descend below 500 ft. AGL.
Solo simulated emergencies of any type will not be conducted.
Ground reference maneuvers will be conducted at altitudes of 500 ft. AGL or more in open or sparsely populated areas only.
All GAC airplanes must at all times, adhere to FAR 91.119 which addresses minimum altitudes for aircraft operations.
Actual Emergency Situations
Actual emergency situations will be dealt with in accordance with the POH, applicable Federal Regulations, and accepted good operating practices.
Any emergency situation will require immediate notification to the management of GAC at (631) 391-9110
Securing of Airplanes
At the completion of any flight and at any location, all GAC airplanes will be secured in a manner consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations and good operating practices. This will include control locks, tie downs, wheel chocks, pitot tube cover on, and master switch “off”, avionics-radios "off". Any GAC airplane that is damaged or causes damage to another’s property due to improper securing will be the responsibility of that renter or student.
Failure to turn off the master switch will result in a $150.00 fee for lost service and recharging of the battery.
All pilots are required to remove any trash or discard items from the interior of the airplane at the time of check in. GAC is not responsible for personal items left in the airplane.
Damage to Airplanes or Other Property
A student or renter pilot is responsible for any airframe, power plant, propeller, avionics, or interior damage caused by his/her negligence.
All GAC airplanes have a $5,000.00 deductible for liability insurance. This deductible is the responsibility of the renter, or solo student pilot. Student pilots would not be responsible for this deductible while on dual instruction flights, unless there is evidence of gross negligence.
GAC strongly insists that all pilots carry their own insurance. Brochures about this service are available at the flight school.
Student or renter pilots will be charged for misuse of the equipment. Misuse of equipment includes, but is not limited to the following:
Skidding a flat spot on the tires by unwarranted sudden or heavy breaking.
Use of excessive power during taxi, requiring heavy and constant application of brakes.
Locking a wheel brake to pivot the airplane into a tie down spot.
Landing nose low so as to damage the nose tire.
Starting airplanes with the avionics master/radios on.
Cancellation/No Show Policy
GAC is implementing a new Cancellation and No Show Policy to emphasize that our instructors are paid professionals and should be given the courtesy as same. A 48 hour cancellation notice is now required for all flights with the obvious exception of inclement weather or maintanence issues. If adequate notice is not given, the student or renter will be charged a $50/hour aircraft fee for renters, and $50/hour aircraft fee plus $45/hour instructor fee for students who miss a lesson. These fees would not apply if we are able to fill the slot with another student/renter. or if there is an emergency, illness, or inclement weather. The same policy will stand for “no shows”.
This amount will be invoiced and no further flights may be taken until payment in full is received.
GAC must emphasize the fact that our instructors do not receive compensation to sit at the flight school, only while instructing. Other paid professionals charge fees for canceled and missed appointments, and we are merely trying to demand the same respect for our staff of professional. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Additional Information about GAC Policy
Payment for Services Rendered
Payment for flight time, instructor services, ground school, or supplies is expected in full at the time of receipt. Any service offered by GAC may be paid by cash, Visa or MasterCard. Discounts are offered for payments made by cash or check. A returned check fee of $35/occurance is in effect at all times. Flights that are to return after hours are required to leave either a credit card on file, cash, or check with the flight school. Total hours used will be calculated the following day and the total invoice amount will be communicated to the PIC via email.
GAC Check-out Policy
First time renters are required to present their pilot certificate and current medical for photocopying. A signed, completed pilot check out record, rental policy and rental quiz must also be presented for flight school documentation. Additionally, a copy of applicable logbook endorsements and BFR’s need to be included in our file. If night or instrument privileges are requested, currency must be shown in those areas. In the event that currency requirements are not met, A GAC staff instructor will help you fulfill the requirements you need to conduct your planned flight.
GAC requires a prospective renter to demonstrate aeronautical knowledge, airplane systems, and pilot skills to at least the level of the certificate you now hold. The POH for your airplane is available to help you answer questions about the airplane and its systems. If you are current and proficient in the category and class you are renting, expect about 60 minutes of flight time for the check-out.
All Pilots are required to possess the Pilots Operating Handbook for each Aircraft that they fly. Must have private pilot license and minimum of 5 hours in the make and model aircraft. Aircraft must have been rented from GAC within the past 90 days.
*The instructor will have the final say on the student/renter capability. The above requirements are all minimums and are subject to the discretion of the flight instructor doing the checkout. GAC reserves the right to cancel any flight at our discretion.
90 Day Currency Requirement
GAC insurance requires that all persons renting an airplane, must have flown that make and model from our rental fleet within the past 90 days. In the case of a student pilot renting for a solo flight, you must have flown that make and model within the past 30 days.
If your currency has lapsed, a few trips around the pattern should be all you need to fulfill our insurance requirements. Thank you for your understanding
All Pilots must abide by Federal Aviation Regulations. GAC reserves the right to revoke rental privileges.