Part 61 & Part 141 Flight Training | Ground School | Professional Pilot Programs | CATS Testing Center | Fingerprinting

FAA Approved Flight Simulator
Great for IFR training, for practice using the Garmin 430, start-up/shut down procedures and more. This simulator is approved for 2.5 hours towards PPL, 10 hours toward your Instrument rating and instrument currently. Current pilots can book the some for practice or you can gain dual instruction by working with one of our qualified instructors.
This economical PCATD system is great for instrument students, instructors and pilots that would like to integrate FAA certified
PCATD technology into their flight training. The PI-135 features
the sturdy ELITE Pro Panel SE Flight Console equipped with a six lever MEL quadrant standard (which can be used with either single
or multi-engine aircraft), gear and flap actuators, and rudder trim.
Inaddition this sim comes with the ELITE Avionics Panel complete with rudder pedals.

FAA Approved G1000 ATD Flight Simulator
Great for building those hours toward your Commercial Pilot License or to help with your transition from steam gauges to the popular G1000 system. This advanced training device will not only get you confident in the glass cockpit environment but it will save you money. Work with our flight instructors to learn how to properly utilize all of the available data and increase your skill as a pilot.
Building on the success of ELITE’s “round-gauge” PI-135 Basic ATD, the PI-1000 provides incredible training fidelity for Garmin G1000 users. This FAA-approved AATD uses LCD screens and realistic bezels to provide the best simulated G1000 panels available on the market! A key feature is the ability to perform WAAS approaches, and it simulates the Garmin GFC 700 autopilot. The PI-1000 also includes the required back-up instrumentation for realistic training. The PI-1000 provides 8–9 times more functionality than Mindstar-based G-1000 simulators. Using the Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D™ visual, you’ll be flying the PI-1000 in one of the most beautiful scenery software available. This is a commercially licensed visual—so you know you won’t be violating any laws while training. Like the G1000, this system provides training for simple and complex aircraft, and single-engine and twin engine aircraft! The simulated G1000 software changes reference speeds, engine/propeller instrumentation, and fuel management depending on the aircraft selected.
• 2.5 Hrs Toward your Private Pilot License
• 20 Hrs Toward your Instrument Rating
• 50 Hrs Toward your Commercial License
• Instrument Proficiency Check
• Instrument Currency
• Part 141 Training Approved!
• 2.5 Hrs Toward your Private Pilot License
• 10 Hrs Toward your Instrument Rating
• Instrument Proficiency Check
• Instrument Currency